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Quick Start

This page will walk you through installing the Collaborative CoinJoin demo and participating in your own CoinJoin session.

What is CoinJoin?

While most transactions in Bitcoin degrade your privacy, CoinJoin is a special configuration of transaction inputs and outputs that improves your privacy. Collaborative CoinJoin is a framework for BCH wallet software, to allow users to collaborate with one another, in order to generate CoinJoin transactions.

To understand why CoinJoin is valuable, you must first understand the concept of UTXOs. After several spends, an HD wallet will end up with several small UTXOs that have low monetary value, but high information content. The information in those UTXOs can be used to deanonymize you. A CoinJoin transaction allows you to safely consolidate those UXTOs into a single high monetary value, but low information content UTXO, thus preserving your privacy.

Getting Started

Collaborative CoinJoin is currently in development. There is not yet a graphical user interface (GUI). If you are a JavaScript developer, you can follow the directions below to run your own CoinJoin demonstration, using the command line wallet.

What you'll need

  • Node.js version 16.14 or above:
    • When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.

Install the command-line wallet

Install the command line wallet with the following commands:

git clone
cd hd-cli-wallet
npm install

Create a wallet

Create a wallet and get an address for it:

./bin/run create-wallet -n test01 -d "test coinjoin wallet"
./bin/run get-address -n test01

Those commands will create a new wallet and generate an address to fund it. Send a about $0.10 worth of BCH to the wallet.

Generate UTXOs

A UTXO is an unspent transaction output. These are the 'bitcoins' that get spent. CoinJoin is used to safely consolidate many small UTXOs with low monetary value, but high information content, into a single UTXO that has high monetary value, and low information content.

The first step to testing Collaborative CoinJoin is to generate many small UTXOs. After funding your new wallet, you can generate UTXOs with this command:

./bin/run split-utxo -n test01

That will generate five UTXOs that you can then combine in a CoinJoin transaction.

Install the API Server

Just like you installed the command-line wallet. You now need to install the API server. The API server runs an IPFS node, which allows it to find other wallet users that want to participate in CoinJoin transactions with you.

Open a second terminal and run these commands:

git clone
cd colab-coinjoin-api
npm install

Participate in a Collaborative CoinJoin

In the terminal with the API server, start the server with this command:

  • npm start

Wait a few seconds to let the API server start up. Then, in the terminal with the command-line wallet, run this command:

  • ./bin/run coinjoin-single -n test01

The API server will being monitoring the network, looking for other wallets who want to participate in a CoinJoin transaction. If it finds one, it will attempt to collaborate. If successful, your UTXOs will be combined into one or two new UTXOs.

Combining UTXOs is not a hard thing to do, but it can not be done alone without linking all the addresses. It is this address linking that degrades your privacy. Doing it through a CoinJoin transactions actually restores your privacy by breaking the informational links between addresses.